Monday, August 21, 2023

Another New Week


Hey! Hope you are enjoying your day, afternoon, and/or evening wherever you are on planet Earth. Welcome to a new week on planet Earth by the way. Thanks for reading.


Life is going well. Been really stress free as of late. The only problem I can seem to figure out is what happened to the eBay account my family had. Somehow, we have no more access to it. So, solve that problem by creating a new account. That’s fine but still can’t figure out what happened to the old account. I don’t plan on selling things on eBay but buying stuff every now and then.


Debating about going to a job fair at a local mall. The reason being, is there is only one company I would be happy to work with/for. Regarding that, I still have a few days to decide. Maybe I’ll go anyway seems like a nice time. Beats the last job fair I was at, being outside in the sun. This one is inside in AC. So, there are two pluses.


YouTube is alright. My gaming channel seems to be taking off which is nice! I seem to be getting more views form old games which is nice! Hoping that the other games get off the ground sometime. Not holding my breath but will be happy to see when it does take off though.


The personal channel seems to be getting stuff done too. Even though I have been having computer issues, the #ridealong from Thursday to Sunday was delayed due to the computer’s age. But once I got it under control it was Sunday when Saturday’s ride along was up. The good part is that no one seemed to mind, me on the other hand that’s a different story. Felt like I let people down when things aren’t uploaded like they should be.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

So people are reading my life...

I see quite a few people reading my life, cool! Thank you too! It has been some time since I posted. Sorry about that. Working on YouTube and trying to find a job took me away from the blog. So, what’s going on? I’ve been working on YouTube and trying to find a job.

Regarding the personal channel, it lost three subscribers randomly. Not sure if it was bots but most likely were, or at least that’s what I’m thinking. Makes me happy to think that it was bots. Right forgot to mention my personal channel is at ONE HUNDRED subscribers! I’m happy that people are liking the series #RideAlong where I drive and show off #WNY while I drive. That to me is NOT ONLY awesome but also is something that I look forward to doing everyday now.

Per the gaming channel, that shot up to seventeen subscribers. Beyond awesome for both channels of course, now a must keep that momentum. I’ve noticed that the classic games are getting all the love on my channel, so I think I’ll be focusing on those more then not. That and I like to play them too. Let’s NOT forget that Cities Skylines 2 is coming out in October, so not everything is new. That and I’ve bought it already and I’ll be riding that wave till it crashes. Well, that is true, I couldn’t help but not ignore the game that uses fans input to make a better game, plus Paradox has included the mods that the fans created for Cities Skylines one into #CS2! ALL that added REALLY helped me to make up my decision to buy #CS2.

Personally, everything is alright. A few job opportunities have come and gone. But this one job seems like it’ll be worked out. Just not sure it’ll they tell me officially yes or no. That will excitedly get my foot in the door and hopefully into somewhere in IT within a year or so. Beyond that, my life is quiet or at least it seems like it. Probably isn’t but, from my perspective, DEFEINLITALLY seems quiet. Which is saying something about how my brain works. I tune out life, for really no reason. So, life is a shock when things go wrong…BAD of course, NOT helpful yep, WORRINGSOME totally. That’s my brain though. There’s ALWAYS a shred of real life in the blog. People just have to read till the end to see it.

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...