Showing posts with label game. Show all posts
Showing posts with label game. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small projects for my personal YouTube channel. Which is going well by the way. The stats for the personal channel is about the same as it was before advertising. Which is expected. 

My parents are not doing well both in memory and physically. But they are chugging along, which is good to see. Having said that, I'm doing a lot more around the house which is taking up time. Which helps make time go by so there's another plus. Regarding that I seem to be making it to the gym a day or two a week. 

STILL waiting for approval for a program that helps me find a job. The amswer should be coming next week. So that's another plus.

The gaming channel is als doing about as good as it was prior to advertising. Watch hours for that channel aren't as good, but still chugging away regardless. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Things Are Coming Along!

            Life my perspective quiet. I have new games to play and old games to revisit. That part is wonderful! The gamer channel is coming along nicely! That channel has gotten up to 45 subscribers. While the personal channel is stuck at 137. I'm expecting both to make somewhat of a jump with in the next month or so, seeing that the new/revisited games are coming onto the gaming channel and the personal channel as the Backstreet Boys Project. Bought a new vehicle, which was also WONDERFUL! 


            As you can tell life is going QUITE WELL. I really have no complaints, done buying stuff for myself for the holiday season because of the new vehicle. So, now I am starting to save money again. Which is fine, I am aware that there were some GREAT deals that are still out there just nothing I want nor to need as much. No real plans for now till the end of the year if ANYTHING I would like to get back to the gym at some point.  

Friday, May 5, 2023


 Been busy trying to get my asthma and whatever is going on with me in an order of some kind. That said, been on medicating and nebulizing every day for the week. Which is helping, but at the same time haven’t been at the gym as much as I would like, hopefully tomorrow I can start back at the gym. Just must remind myself that I must take it slow.
Managed to get some cool content for my personal channel. Thus suspect a food video to come out soon!
Now interestingly enough, the gaming channel is getting off the ground. Which is awesome! Although the watchers seem to love Tetris. Cool! Trying to get more people to watch other stuff seems to be an interesting equation right now.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Ah Life...

Life could be going better, but also could be going worse so... about 50/50. Did an I try video, the post production was the SLOWEST part of the whole ordeal. Reason being, is because of the small mistakes I was making, ended up being BIGGER mistakes! OI. 

Beyond the YouTube blunder everything went well today. The video is up and will premiere tomorrow. Stil having no brain from covid last year, is REALLY getting to me more and more everyday. 

Lets see... what else is going on. I've got a good schedule idea to do what game on what day. Thus, CitiesSkyline Sat, Sims 4 Sun, Mine Craft Mon, Tetris Tues, Watch Dogs Legion Wenes, Thurs amd Fri are still being worked out. Also games ARE subject to change based upon personal schedule and CitiesSkylines 2 release.

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...