Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023


 Been busy trying to get my asthma and whatever is going on with me in an order of some kind. That said, been on medicating and nebulizing every day for the week. Which is helping, but at the same time haven’t been at the gym as much as I would like, hopefully tomorrow I can start back at the gym. Just must remind myself that I must take it slow.
Managed to get some cool content for my personal channel. Thus suspect a food video to come out soon!
Now interestingly enough, the gaming channel is getting off the ground. Which is awesome! Although the watchers seem to love Tetris. Cool! Trying to get more people to watch other stuff seems to be an interesting equation right now.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Doing alright. Taking care of my fur sister for the week, as it is just her, I, and my brother. Stopped hackers in their tracks...again. 


This time they called from an actual number that my bank my family and I do business with, except it wasn't the bank. The hackers/scammers used a method where they hide their phone number with a phone actual the user knows. This is called masking. So, once I started asking basic Western New York questions, the 'caller' gave up.


That wasn't the end though, as the good citizen that I am I immediately reached out to my bank and told them what's going on. Thus, I'm hoping that these hackers/scammers get what's they have coming to them. 


Health-wise I've been better. I still can't seem to do my two hour or more workout. Still have no idea why that is, but I'm on medication to help me get back to 'normal' asthmatic levels. I feel like something’s been off since I've had covid. 


Thus, I'm working more on both my channels on YouTube. David's Life is going quite well. I’ve seemed to find an era of YouTube where people are watching my content. Same for the Gamr4Life channel, managed to get an audience with the games I play, also I don't seem to be moving away from the types of games I play as I don't particular like major popular games as I am a simulation/simulator gamer.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy your day, afternoon, and/or evening wherever you are on the third rock from the Sun planet Earth.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Hey! Welcome New Week!

 Been busy just working on YouTube...The personal channel (DavidLife989) and the gaming channel (Gamr4Life989) is all but updated. I'm just diving into more features regarding both channels. Everything seems to be in working order. Checking to make sure everything is where it should be and done, so that both channels are able to get the most out of YouTube and vice versa!

Plus, I'm working on getting AdSense up and running on the blog. That is the goal of today and the week(s) to come. Seems like everything is done on my end and just have to wait for the ALMIGHTY (Google) to do their work.

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...