Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small projects for my personal YouTube channel. Which is going well by the way. The stats for the personal channel is about the same as it was before advertising. Which is expected. 

My parents are not doing well both in memory and physically. But they are chugging along, which is good to see. Having said that, I'm doing a lot more around the house which is taking up time. Which helps make time go by so there's another plus. Regarding that I seem to be making it to the gym a day or two a week. 

STILL waiting for approval for a program that helps me find a job. The amswer should be coming next week. So that's another plus.

The gaming channel is als doing about as good as it was prior to advertising. Watch hours for that channel aren't as good, but still chugging away regardless. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

I'm Really...

 Life IS good. I managed to get a job at a local business with national ties. While it’s only one week in and the second week coming up, I really have NO IDEA what I am doing. Even as I can see my learning new things, which is awesome.

This job is NOT for me. But I’ll be sticking it out until I hear from the other more than few jobs I’ve applied to. The reason why I applied to a job I don’t like is because it was on a job website, and I didn’t read what the job entails. Beyond that, the skills I don’t have nor can’t seem to grasp even though I was given a quiz and passed said small quiz.

My YouTube channels are going well. The gaming channel is up to 64. Which is INSANE to where it has been at. Although I have noticed that the classic games are bringing in MOST of the new subscribers. Which is cool, I can’t wait to play more classic games.


Per the personal channel. I’m doing good with that. The channel has 139 subscribers. Most people seem to like the #RideAlong series the best. That’s awesome as I’m loving sharing my little slice of planet Earth. I see no big projects coming up for the personal channel which is a GREAT relief as I’m not having enough time to create let alone edit a big project right now.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hoping U R Well...

I've been better. My main project for my Life channel next year, is getting done and I'm ENJOYING working with/on the Backstreet Boys show. It really IS a global show, which is awesome and that makes it ALL THE MORE enjoyable. But that's for David's Life...

Regarding the gaming channel people REALLY seem to enjoy the old games which are awesome. I'm enjoying playing games from my childhood, not only is it taking me back to my youth but I am ACTUALLY enjoying these games.

Life outside of YouTube is anything but simple. I'm taking my dad to doctors appointments which is fine he and I get to spend time together. Both my mom and dad are starting to forget more and more.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Just Realized...

 Hey, sorry about not posting for a while. I also just realized it has been a while. So, what is lifelike? GREAT! Beyond YouTube, life though is a little noisy. 


My parents are alright. I'm doing more around the house to help them. They seem to be forgetting more and more every day. That’s partly why I’ve been sticking around the house more than normal, so that I can help them more. Which is fine, I like helping them. It also makes me REALLY APPREICATE the time I’m spending with them as of late. All that said, not really in the mood to do anything other than YouTube, working with people through People Inc.


Nice segue waying speaking of YouTube. The channels are GOING WELL! The personal channel is up to 129 Lifers. Which I am officially penning as my fan base’s name for the personal channel. The gaming channel has yet to have a name of its fan base, but that’ll come in time.


Also the gaming channel is up to 29 people watching that is MOSTLY do the classic games I’ve been playing, which classic gaming made me stop and think that I’m REALLY not only one of many whom love to play and share classic games, but so much so that I’m enjoying that MORE then the new games that seem to be coming out.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Another New Week


Hey! Hope you are enjoying your day, afternoon, and/or evening wherever you are on planet Earth. Welcome to a new week on planet Earth by the way. Thanks for reading.


Life is going well. Been really stress free as of late. The only problem I can seem to figure out is what happened to the eBay account my family had. Somehow, we have no more access to it. So, solve that problem by creating a new account. That’s fine but still can’t figure out what happened to the old account. I don’t plan on selling things on eBay but buying stuff every now and then.


Debating about going to a job fair at a local mall. The reason being, is there is only one company I would be happy to work with/for. Regarding that, I still have a few days to decide. Maybe I’ll go anyway seems like a nice time. Beats the last job fair I was at, being outside in the sun. This one is inside in AC. So, there are two pluses.


YouTube is alright. My gaming channel seems to be taking off which is nice! I seem to be getting more views form old games which is nice! Hoping that the other games get off the ground sometime. Not holding my breath but will be happy to see when it does take off though.


The personal channel seems to be getting stuff done too. Even though I have been having computer issues, the #ridealong from Thursday to Sunday was delayed due to the computer’s age. But once I got it under control it was Sunday when Saturday’s ride along was up. The good part is that no one seemed to mind, me on the other hand that’s a different story. Felt like I let people down when things aren’t uploaded like they should be.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

So people are reading my life...

I see quite a few people reading my life, cool! Thank you too! It has been some time since I posted. Sorry about that. Working on YouTube and trying to find a job took me away from the blog. So, what’s going on? I’ve been working on YouTube and trying to find a job.

Regarding the personal channel, it lost three subscribers randomly. Not sure if it was bots but most likely were, or at least that’s what I’m thinking. Makes me happy to think that it was bots. Right forgot to mention my personal channel is at ONE HUNDRED subscribers! I’m happy that people are liking the series #RideAlong where I drive and show off #WNY while I drive. That to me is NOT ONLY awesome but also is something that I look forward to doing everyday now.

Per the gaming channel, that shot up to seventeen subscribers. Beyond awesome for both channels of course, now a must keep that momentum. I’ve noticed that the classic games are getting all the love on my channel, so I think I’ll be focusing on those more then not. That and I like to play them too. Let’s NOT forget that Cities Skylines 2 is coming out in October, so not everything is new. That and I’ve bought it already and I’ll be riding that wave till it crashes. Well, that is true, I couldn’t help but not ignore the game that uses fans input to make a better game, plus Paradox has included the mods that the fans created for Cities Skylines one into #CS2! ALL that added REALLY helped me to make up my decision to buy #CS2.

Personally, everything is alright. A few job opportunities have come and gone. But this one job seems like it’ll be worked out. Just not sure it’ll they tell me officially yes or no. That will excitedly get my foot in the door and hopefully into somewhere in IT within a year or so. Beyond that, my life is quiet or at least it seems like it. Probably isn’t but, from my perspective, DEFEINLITALLY seems quiet. Which is saying something about how my brain works. I tune out life, for really no reason. So, life is a shock when things go wrong…BAD of course, NOT helpful yep, WORRINGSOME totally. That’s my brain though. There’s ALWAYS a shred of real life in the blog. People just have to read till the end to see it.

Monday, May 22, 2023

YouTube Life

 Hey, hoping all is well in your part of planet Earth. I’m doing alright. I pulled a muscle well working out. Still getting to the gym, just seems that I’ll be taking longer for the workout to finish. Which is ok because pacing yourself is better then going hard at it. That’s what I got from the pulled muscle, pacing yourself while working out is the best part of the workout.


I’m having fun watching stuff on Netflix, Freevee, Plex, and Tubi. All my streaming services are both free and not, I’ll have stuff to review till the end of time. Having said that, I LOVE to review things because it helps my personal channel grow. The new NSYNC posted videos helped grow my vlog channel, but also a partnership with a YouTube channel I came across. A little more on the NSYNC project, the odd part is that the NSYNC project is that the concert of their tour Celebrity is done it just wont upload. However, the rare unreleased songs from over the years that way NSYNC is helping to grow the channel beyond my imagination! So, there’s a plus!


I’ve also started a new series on my personal channel called I walk. That’ll deal with obvious walking different areas of WNY. That series will most likely be posting on Wednesdays. That is something to look forward to!


The gaming channel seems to be missing the mark, thus hoping new content will help it to grow. But I’m seriously thinking about not doing that channel anymore. I’ll give it a couple months and see what happens. Wondering if I shouldn’t just try posting and seeing what sticks. Mostly likely going to post random stuff and see what sticks.


Although while gaming I did figure out that, the add on for Cities Skylines (financial district) ruins a city and makes it go bankrupt. That was an interesting theory to list on the Paradox thread of Cities Skylines! After not investing money into the stock market in the game, the City of Portes rebounded QUITE nicely from under five hundred thousand dollars to three million dollars! But at the same time, that isn’t helping to get trophies for the game. Thus, I’ll be going back and forth from investing to not. Which is fine, I’m only keeping the city around till Cities Skylines 2.


Although I did find a fun life hack on YouTube though…More on that at a different time.


Yesterday my family and I celebrated my mom’s 80th birthday, which is why I’m typing this entry out today and not yesterday. That and I just completely forgot…

Friday, May 5, 2023


 Been busy trying to get my asthma and whatever is going on with me in an order of some kind. That said, been on medicating and nebulizing every day for the week. Which is helping, but at the same time haven’t been at the gym as much as I would like, hopefully tomorrow I can start back at the gym. Just must remind myself that I must take it slow.
Managed to get some cool content for my personal channel. Thus suspect a food video to come out soon!
Now interestingly enough, the gaming channel is getting off the ground. Which is awesome! Although the watchers seem to love Tetris. Cool! Trying to get more people to watch other stuff seems to be an interesting equation right now.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Doing alright. Taking care of my fur sister for the week, as it is just her, I, and my brother. Stopped hackers in their tracks...again. 


This time they called from an actual number that my bank my family and I do business with, except it wasn't the bank. The hackers/scammers used a method where they hide their phone number with a phone actual the user knows. This is called masking. So, once I started asking basic Western New York questions, the 'caller' gave up.


That wasn't the end though, as the good citizen that I am I immediately reached out to my bank and told them what's going on. Thus, I'm hoping that these hackers/scammers get what's they have coming to them. 


Health-wise I've been better. I still can't seem to do my two hour or more workout. Still have no idea why that is, but I'm on medication to help me get back to 'normal' asthmatic levels. I feel like something’s been off since I've had covid. 


Thus, I'm working more on both my channels on YouTube. David's Life is going quite well. I’ve seemed to find an era of YouTube where people are watching my content. Same for the Gamr4Life channel, managed to get an audience with the games I play, also I don't seem to be moving away from the types of games I play as I don't particular like major popular games as I am a simulation/simulator gamer.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy your day, afternoon, and/or evening wherever you are on the third rock from the Sun planet Earth.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Ah Life...

Life could be going better, but also could be going worse so... about 50/50. Did an I try video, the post production was the SLOWEST part of the whole ordeal. Reason being, is because of the small mistakes I was making, ended up being BIGGER mistakes! OI. 

Beyond the YouTube blunder everything went well today. The video is up and will premiere tomorrow. Stil having no brain from covid last year, is REALLY getting to me more and more everyday. 

Lets see... what else is going on. I've got a good schedule idea to do what game on what day. Thus, CitiesSkyline Sat, Sims 4 Sun, Mine Craft Mon, Tetris Tues, Watch Dogs Legion Wenes, Thurs amd Fri are still being worked out. Also games ARE subject to change based upon personal schedule and CitiesSkylines 2 release.

Hey! Welcome New Week!

 Been busy just working on YouTube...The personal channel (DavidLife989) and the gaming channel (Gamr4Life989) is all but updated. I'm just diving into more features regarding both channels. Everything seems to be in working order. Checking to make sure everything is where it should be and done, so that both channels are able to get the most out of YouTube and vice versa!

Plus, I'm working on getting AdSense up and running on the blog. That is the goal of today and the week(s) to come. Seems like everything is done on my end and just have to wait for the ALMIGHTY (Google) to do their work.

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...