Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Life Is...

Hey all! Life is well…AWESOME! People REALLY seem to like the #RideAlong series on my personal channel. Which is GREAT, although it is the SECOND most viewed content on my channel, behind the *NSYNC stuff.

The #gaming channel is doing good too! Everyone seems to like the classic games and Sims 4 videos.

Offline life is STILL GREAT! Community activities are still going on, as the weather is still good! A new counselor makes life vary relaxing and manageable too. Life is also calming down once my family seem to get everything together and figured out.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

I noticed something...

I noticed that last week, I completely forgot the link to check my review of Mission Impossible 7. Oi! Any who, beyond that the personal channel is going well! I created my LAST *NSYNC projects over the week. Those will be bringing later. I’m happy the ideas are out of my head and online for everyone to enjoy.

As per the gaming channel it’s stalled even though content is always going up. So the good part is that I’m NEVER out of content for either channel. That’s the good part.

Although the bad part with the gaming channel is not a lot of engagement. That’ll come in time. As per the personal channel is engagement is up and people really seem responding to the *NSYNC shows. Just have to now get the channel away from that and focus on the life around me.

Which will happen over the course of the rest of the year. The *NSYNC projects will be less and less. Only reason being is that the old *NSYNC footage is hard to find. Expected that because we all didn’t have phones in our pack at the end of the last millennia and the star of this millennia. Oddly enough couldn’t find much for *NSYNC’s tour for No Strings Attached jus two songs fans record.

Although I’ve found two complete shows for their first tour Ain’t No Stopping Us Now. Not sure when I’ll be working on their first tour OR if at all, again not enough footage.
Beyond the channels managed to get a REALLY GOOD deal on Amazon Prime Day and for computer parts for a computer I’ll be building shortly! Thanks Amazon for the great deals! So what are the deals? Overall managed to get a three thousand dollar computer with all the pieces and parts for around one thousand dollars! Yeah I’ll be set for a while.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

This week ahead

This week ahead looks to be better then most? Well here’s hoping!

I managed to see Mission Impossible 7. That was good! The other movies too seemed better then number seven. Left me confused by how it ended. But that’s why it’s two parts, thus hoping the story is resolved. 

Beyond the movie and review I’ve been getting to the gym as often as I can, about three to five days a week. During the gym, I pace the workout. Thus I'm gone for a few hours. 

Other then the gym the personal YouTube channel is the better of the two channels. I’m happy that the *NSYNC projects are done. Now I am focusing on life in and around WNY.

Having said that, its quiet a relief that the projects are done. Now looking forward to seeing not just another movie. But also recording myself out and about.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Loving Life

 Thanks for…everything. Life is GREAT! I finished a HUGE project that is premiering on my personal channel in July. Keep an eye and/or ear out for news on that on my personal channel. I’m just relieved that the project is done, having the project done is helping me focus more on my life as well as other small projects for my gaming channel.


Although the gaming channel is doing just as well content wise. As I’ve got stuff till the end of July going to be posted. As the wheatear gets nicer, look for more community walks on my personal channel. I also don’t aspect I’ll be walking the same area twice at least not yet, nor anytime soon. Like I’ve stated before everything comes in time regarding either channel or in life generally.


Have a small life project that I’ll be posting more on in the future, regarding how it comes out. That said, how are things on your end? Keeping busy?

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...