Sunday, February 25, 2024

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small projects for my personal YouTube channel. Which is going well by the way. The stats for the personal channel is about the same as it was before advertising. Which is expected. 

My parents are not doing well both in memory and physically. But they are chugging along, which is good to see. Having said that, I'm doing a lot more around the house which is taking up time. Which helps make time go by so there's another plus. Regarding that I seem to be making it to the gym a day or two a week. 

STILL waiting for approval for a program that helps me find a job. The amswer should be coming next week. So that's another plus.

The gaming channel is als doing about as good as it was prior to advertising. Watch hours for that channel aren't as good, but still chugging away regardless. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

No Sunshine No Rainbows

Despite the sunshine and rainbows on the blog. There isn't sunshine and rainbows.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

FINALLY Made A Decision

Finally made a decision as the title says. That decision is regarding going back to school and/or to work . It HONESTLY didn’t take long once I understood how things were playing out, it was ACTUALLY quite easy to decide.


More or less it was regarding paperwork and which one would get done first. Which is interesting because paperwork doesn’t normally take long to get done. THIS particular paperwork did take a long time to get done as it is STILL not done. The other paperwork IS done and sent off to whomever it needed to go to.


Now for the BIG reveal! Which paperwork that got done and sent in first ended up being…work! Yes the work paperwork ended up being done and sent out first over schooling.


I’ll be in a program that is a six month internship after which I’ll be offered a job at a company, if they like my work and me personally.


So that’s the 2024 decision for this part of the year. Stay tuned for my BIG decision THROUGH OUT the year, as it seems to be heading in the right direction per me and my personal life.


My family life couldn’t be MORE interesting even if you’ve added more interesting things on top of the already interesting things. That said, it not good. I can’t won’t get into it here, but HOPING for a better 2024 in that regard in the coming months.


YouTube is QUITE well. Both channels are holding their subscribers. Thus a little gains here and there but nothing like with advertising. I stopped advertising a while ago as it just got TOO EXPENSIVE, which is fine I’ve got to where I needed to be stat wise that I wanted to get to so I’m happy. There’s more traction on my gaming channel meaning more subscribers are subscribing to the gaming channel then the personal channel. HOWEVER the personal channel has more watch hours and subscribers overall then the gaming channel. I think I explained that right, any who if someone knows what I am talking about leave a comment maybe we can figure it out as to what I am saying together.



Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...