Sunday, April 30, 2023

Doing well...

I’m well. Just busy being myself. Honestly though, been getting to the gym.


Pertaining to the gym, having a great time doing that too. Found a routine that makes sense. First hour on the treadmill as a warm up. The rest of the time is working the weights.


As well as making stuff in Sims 4. Looking forward to sharing the build with you.


Beyond the hobbies the personal YouTube channel is taking off. Which is awesome! Now just have to figure out how to get the gaming channel. I don’t know what the difference is between the channels beyond content, and timing of uploads.


Things have changed for the gaming channel. Thus, hoping that the channel works its out. Cool part is I’ve got gaming footage till June, thus the channel wont be without any content for quite some time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Ah Life...

Life could be going better, but also could be going worse so... about 50/50. Did an I try video, the post production was the SLOWEST part of the whole ordeal. Reason being, is because of the small mistakes I was making, ended up being BIGGER mistakes! OI. 

Beyond the YouTube blunder everything went well today. The video is up and will premiere tomorrow. Stil having no brain from covid last year, is REALLY getting to me more and more everyday. 

Lets see... what else is going on. I've got a good schedule idea to do what game on what day. Thus, CitiesSkyline Sat, Sims 4 Sun, Mine Craft Mon, Tetris Tues, Watch Dogs Legion Wenes, Thurs amd Fri are still being worked out. Also games ARE subject to change based upon personal schedule and CitiesSkylines 2 release.

Hey! Welcome New Week!

 Been busy just working on YouTube...The personal channel (DavidLife989) and the gaming channel (Gamr4Life989) is all but updated. I'm just diving into more features regarding both channels. Everything seems to be in working order. Checking to make sure everything is where it should be and done, so that both channels are able to get the most out of YouTube and vice versa!

Plus, I'm working on getting AdSense up and running on the blog. That is the goal of today and the week(s) to come. Seems like everything is done on my end and just have to wait for the ALMIGHTY (Google) to do their work.

Monday, April 24, 2023

A Little Hello

Just a daily update. Did more work on my YouTube channel today. Got more views, and some comments which are really helpful towards the algorithm.

Also, completed a two-hour workout and it went great! Which made me come up with a joke… I wonder which workout is harder, the Jim Gaffigan workout or the Dwayne Johnson workout. That said, I did half and half.

Did some...

Got in a workout which was nice.  Started with weights then went to machines, after which cooled down with a walk on the treadmill.  All of which was...great. 

Managed to start the uploading process of a Sims 4 build I did on my PS5. Also, started another build this evening! Which is awesome and don't expect this build to take too long either.

Life otherwise is nice and quiet for the most part.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Alright Workout

Went to the gym today. Couldn't finish the workout because of thinking I had covid. Good part... I don't have covid. But there is no real reason why I am weak.

That said, chalking it up to asthma. Which is unfortunate because I haven't had asthmatic issues since I had covid last September.

That was fun...🙄 Having covid for a month laying around doing nothing.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

LOVE solving tech problem(s)!

Having two degrees in computing and having the ability to help is the one thing that I look forward to the most in life.

That said, I really can't say whom I helped but I loved the ability to help a friend get their Facebook back!


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Hey there!

Hoping your day, afternoon, and/or evening is going well wherever you are on planet Earth. I'm just taking it easy today as I'm giving my wrist some time to heal. Seemed to sprain it while at the gym in a massage chair, STILL not sure how I did that. But it’s a good funny story to tell people.

That said, I'm just working on my gaming channel on YouTube. You can find the channel link here: Gamr4Life. I'll be experimenting over the next few weeks to see how long my videos need to be as well as how often I'll need to post. Thus, keep checking the channel for updates!

As per my personal channel, that is going well too. I've got a few ideas that I'll be planning out over the next few months on there. You should check the link to see if you are up to date with everything there. You can do that by going to this link here: David's Life
As always hope you'll be enjoying your day, afternoon, and/or evening!


Just wanted to start posting here, like I do on YouTube. Just another way to get my name and what I do on YouTube out there.

Life Just Keeps Getting MORE Interesting!

As the title has gotten more interesting. Reason being, I'm taking care of my parents more. I'm working on small pro...